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02/26/08 05:54 PM #4    

Jacci Breuklander (Runyan)

This website is great! It makes it easy to catch up with classmates before the reunion. Thanks so much Bob!

03/28/08 10:16 AM #5    

Jacci Breuklander (Runyan)

Since Dick Maynard was kind enough to post Chris Manbeck's obituary I thought I'd post Earl Brennan's. For those of you who didn't really know Earl, he was one of the nicest guys I've ever met. He was funny and fun to be around and loved and supported his kids as much as any parent could. Our oldest son Bryan & Earl's son Brent played little league, flag football, Jr. high football and ran cross country and track together and remain very close friends yet today. Rick & I were fortunate enough to have spent a good deal of "parent" time with Earl & Joyce over the years.

I'm glad I knew Earl. He could make anyone laugh.

Jacci Runyan

07/09/08 07:39 PM #6    

Jacci Breuklander (Runyan)

Since reading David Carver's profile - talk about a blast from the past!!! - it made me wonder where a couple of other people are....Jesse Brewer, Paul Lindholm and Cathy Rees. Grade school classmates are easier to remember than high shcool classmates. I wonder if David still has white was so blonde. I remember getting a valentine from him in 5th grade.

07/12/08 09:38 PM #7    

David Carver

Jacci, thanks for remembering me from our elementary school days. Dick Maynard promised that someone would! After reading your warm-hearted notes on this website, I can see why I sent you that valentine back in the 5th grade. I look forward to seeing you again. Yes, my hair is still white (sort of), although the driver's license clerk made me put "gray" when I renewed a few weeks ago.

Just a few words of encouragement to those of you who are reluctant to post a message or attend the reunion. A few years ago I decided to attend my 35th high school reunion in Wheaton, IL. I had not seen any classmates in a long time, and I must confess that I was a bit nervous about attending. But the reunion turned out to be much more fun than I ever imagined. You could "test the waters" by posting a classmate profile on this wonderful website that Robert Perkins has put together. You never know who might write you note!

Best regards,
Dave Carver

08/03/08 11:15 AM #8    


Robert Perkins

Great party! The only regret I have is not pushing the front row in the pool during the Class Picture.....LOL.

08/03/08 06:54 PM #9    

Jacci Breuklander (Runyan)

I was in that front row Mr. Perkins - and my biggest fear was that we'd get pushed into the pool!!!

It was, indeed, a great weekend. I loved every minute of it. Thanks to the entire committee for all of their hard work and to Dick Maynard for working so hard to organize us all and a special thanks to Ray & Joanne Walton for graciously opening up their home to us Saturday night.

I'm already looking forward to the next one!

08/04/08 08:20 PM #10    

Ron Keller

What a great reunion. Thanks to all of the classmates that did the work. I would love to see a list of the committee for a proper thank you.
I do have a regret. I didn't talk to as many people as I had hoped. I saw people but didn't get to them, for that I am sorry. Special thanks to Bob for the wonderful web site. I have enjoyed it many times.

08/09/08 03:32 PM #11    

Kay Crandall (Vinson)

Thanks to the entire reunion committee for putting on such a great weekend, and particularly Ray and Joanne Walton for opening their beautiful home to all of us. It was truly enjoyable.

08/12/08 12:33 PM #12    

Richard Maynard

Here's the list of committee members who helped put the reunion together. We had a good time doing it.

Ruth Crouse Engelbart, Jan Gaumer, Cheryl Gebhart, Jerri Smith Hoover, Mike Johns, Richard Maynard, Ed Pace, John Parker, Robert Perkins, Mike Rinehart, Anita Vanderpool Petersen, Harry Piffer, Marla Burchett Roush, Joanne Godwin Walton, and Mike Vesey.

12/11/08 09:18 AM #13    

Larry Crawford

To the class of 1968 and their families.

02/15/09 10:45 PM #14    


Robert Perkins

This is a feature update. I placed the 40th Class Picture on a page all by itself. (click on the sidebar menu item named "40th Class Picture.) It is the same picture that you see on the Home page, only in a larger size. I got a list of the names of who was in the picture from Richard, and I placed them in the Pool Area. I also put the names as a text that pops up when you move your mouse pointer over anyones face in the picture. This way if you don't know who your are looking at,... just move your mouse pointer over a face to get that persons name to pop up. I hope this helps. Please let me know if I made a mistake...

06/08/09 02:54 PM #15    

Cathi Cooper (Hagen)

I am looking for a copy of the 1968 POWWOW....mine was lost in a fire. If anyone has an extra or knows how I can get one PLEASE let me know...

09/25/09 11:20 PM #16    


Robert Perkins

I scanned the entire 1968 Indianola Pow-wow for Cathi Cooper Hagen. It is in the form of a PDF file. If any classmates want a copy let me know.(via email) I'll put it on a CD and sent it to them.

11/07/09 10:07 AM #17    

Jacci Breuklander (Runyan)

Robert Perkins you clever guy!!! I just watched your Help video, it was soooooo cool! It made me giggle outloud as well as made my day! If I can think of anything to improve this site (which I highly doubt I will) I will let you know. You are so clever!

04/14/10 10:50 PM #18    

Ruth Crouse (Engelbart **)

To fellow Classmates. I just read an obituary in the local paper about Marcia Romback's son passing away.

I don't know if anyone knew this, but it is in the Indianola Record Herald. He died in Florida and thought I should pass this information. How tragic, as they all are.

10/04/10 11:49 PM #19    


Robert Perkins

I would like to thank everyone for all of their words of encouragement, and prayers, about my brain surgery July 21,2010.  As you can tell "word of my demise was greatly exaggerated". I have been taking rehab to jump start certain left-sided-motor skills.  Making progress everyday.  Again Thank You!      

Robert Perkins

02/21/11 06:38 PM #20    


Robert Perkins

My dear friends, JoAnne Wood Baxter, lost her husband, Al, on October 21, 2010.  He was a retired DNR officer.  They lived in Alta Vista and Jo has kept her home there, while continuing to work at the hospital in Waterloo.  Her daughter, Abby and granddaughter, Dayton, are living with her.  She was at Nancy Orr Routson's home in Johnston last week and is still struggling.  But you guys know Jo, she's a survivor.  She and Gary Mason had two daughters, and she and Al Baxter had a son and a daughter.


04/14/11 02:38 PM #21    


Linda McCormick (Marshall)

Thanks to everyone who sent their congratulations and good wishes for our 3-21-11 marriage. Some wedding photos are posted under Linda's profile.

Linda and Dan Marshall

11/08/17 04:25 PM #22    

Susan Donaldson (Triggs)

Valonette Schoff White passed away in Perry, Iowa on May 8th 2013


11/08/17 04:28 PM #23    

Susan Donaldson (Triggs)

My husband John LeRoy Triggs from class of 1964 passed away July 20th 2016


07/30/18 09:20 PM #24    


Robert Perkins

  Diane Nicholls (Willits)
07/17/18 01:16 PM

Hi Classmates!

I thought I'd post a note to you since I won't be able to attend the reunion.

My life has been different than many of I left Iowa for college after high school graduation and have been gone ever since. My parents are no longer living and my family is scattered from the east coast to the west coast with few relatives left in Iowa. I was blessed to grow up on a farm near Indianola & I was blessed to be part of the class of '68.

Actually, when I think about it, my life was different from many of you then too. I was a "nice Christian girl" who didn't dance, drink, smoke, go to movies, etc. Because of all the "rules," I was friends with many of you, but I probably didn't fully connect with most of you. I am sorry for that. I still have no idea how I beat Rick Heller to become Student Council President and I am convinced that if Sue Rasko had still been a member of our class, she would have been homecoming queen. I was blessed with so much then...& I am blessed with so much now.

What I want to share with you is that for many years now, my life has not been about "rules" but about relationships. I would hope that if we sat down and had a good chat, you would find that I am not the same person you "kinda knew" in school. I would hope that you would find that I have grown to become a loving, encouraging, peaceful, FREE woman who loves the Lord more than anything and has been blessed to be married to my best friend of 48 years, has an incredible daughter and two awesome grandsons, and lives in beautiful northwest Arkansas.

Life hasn't been easy, though, since high school days. Actually, my life wasn't easy "back in the day" in my home on the farm either. But through all of life's experiences, I pray that I am growing to be a better person.

So, if any of you are passing through northwest Arkansas and would like to get together for a cup of coffee, just send me a note at & let's set a date!

Diane Nicholls Willits



02/21/19 08:31 PM #25    

Kenneth Crabb

Dan Marshall emailed me that he found his good frient Lori dead in her home Monday.  I  have spoken with him and he is pretty shook up over this even though she has had a long history of cardiac disease and has been ailing these last months. It was her health problems that prevented him from coming to the 50th Reunion.   His address is 225 Wildflower Circle, Sedona, AZ 86351. His email is   Please keep him in you thoughts and prayers.  Thanks.  Ken Crabb

02/22/19 03:09 AM #26    


Robert Perkins

Informatipn from Kristine Nelson.

Deceased Classmate: Suzanne Brott
Date Of Birth: 07-11-1950
Date Deceased: 02-16-2019
Age at Death: 68
Cause of Death: 
Classmate City: Ankeny
Classmate State: IA
Classmate Country: USA
Was a Veteran: No 
Survived By: 

I just thought Sue's classmates would like to know that she passed away on February 16 after a long battle with cancer. She was our closest friend and there are no surviving family members. 

03/13/24 03:12 AM #27    


Robert Perkins


2 pounds of bacon for 99 cents

 chuck roast for 37 cents per pound

 bread at 21 cents

 mayonnaise for 29 cents

three cantaloupes for 89 cents.

Icanned peaches, 3 for 89 cents

catsup, 4 for $1

12-pack of overnight Pampers for 89 cents

Tanning Lotion for 97 cents.

Women's heels were $2.98-8.98

Woman's flats were $2.98-5.98

girls' summer dresses for $2.50 to $4.99

Men's 100 percent cotton work pants for $1.80 and matching shirt just $1.

Portable dishwashers for $209.95.

Hotpoint appliances were sold at Rice Furniture, including a permanent press dryer for $99.88

Sealy posture pillow mattress and box springs sets were only $79.

1961 Chevrolet Parkwood station wagon straight-drive, with radio and a heater for $695.

a 3 bed/2 bath 1850-square feet home for $22,000.

household income in America was $7,700

minimum wage was $1.60 per hour.

Income for a farmer was $1,398

Sheriff made $8,442 a year.

Gas was .34 cents a gallon.

Coffee was .25 to .30 cents a cup 

03/13/24 03:15 AM #28    


Robert Perkins


2 pounds of bacon for 99 cents

 chuck roast for 37 cents per pound

 bread at 21 cents

 mayonnaise for 29 cents

three cantaloupes for 89 cents.

Icanned peaches, 3 for 89 cents

catsup, 4 for $1

12-pack of overnight Pampers for 89 cents

Tanning Lotion for 97 cents.

Women's heels were $2.98-8.98

Woman's flats were $2.98-5.98

girls' summer dresses for $2.50 to $4.99

Men's 100 percent cotton work pants for $1.80 and matching shirt just $1.

Portable dishwashers for $209.95.

Hotpoint appliances were sold at Rice Furniture, including a permanent press dryer for $99.88

Sealy posture pillow mattress and box springs sets were only $79.

1961 Chevrolet Parkwood station wagon straight-drive, with radio and a heater for $695.

a 3 bed/2 bath 1850-square feet home for $22,000.

household income in America was $7,700

minimum wage was $1.60 per hour.

Income for a farmer was $1,398

Sheriff made $8,442 a year.

Gas was .34 cents a gallon.

Coffee was .25 to .30 cents a cup 

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