1972-graduated BS Math
1975-married Gabe DelBene
1976-moved to Chicago; love the city
1990-started family; two boys
Now (2008) I live in Chicago with husband Gabe (pharmacist); sons Dan (age 18) and Nick (age 15); two dogs, two cats and various other critters. Dan will be a freshman at the University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee and Nick is in high school. I work (mostly from home) for a non-profit organization, Center for Economic Progress, analyzing and writing about how tax law affects low income families. My main activities are laundry, watching my boys’ baseball games, cooking frozen pizza, and my hobby, ballroom dance. Since my mom and brother live in Indianola, I get back to town a couple of times a year.
Now (2014) I started a new job - similar work - with the National Community Tax Coalition. I'm nearly divorced (final soon) and looking for a place for me and my younger son to live - in Chicago. My mom just turned 90 and is doing great. She is living in Indianola in the house where I grew up. I get back to Iowa several times a year; always the week after Christmas and sometimes Mother's Day.